Table of Contents
LearnCloud Website
- The LearnCloud website is an online repository of high-quality, free educational resources.
- The Content is crowdsourced by educators, volunteers, Rumie clients and partners from around the world.
- The LearnCloud website is where the user can access the LearnCloud Admin Panel.
LearnCloud Admin Panel
- The LearnCloud Admin Panel is where the user can view analytics and create/update Project Libraries. - BIZ-888Getting issue details... STATUS
- Content is a individual piece of learning material such as a PDF, Video, or App.
- Collections contain related pieces of content that are sequenced into a Lesson Path.
- They are organized within broader subjects for ease of use and sharing.
- For example, a Collection titled ‘Introduction to Algebra’ would be grouped under the subject ‘Math’.
- On the LearnCloud website, Content is grouped into Collections, which are then grouped into Project Libraries for usage on the Rumie tablet or app.
Lesson Path
- Lesson Paths are an organized sequence of Content in a Collection that is organized by the user on the LearnCloud website. The user can organize the Content in an order that aligns best to the needs of their learners.
- A Project holds one or more Project Libraries
- Each Organization will be connected to one Project
- It is the user responsibility to create Project Libraries (See the LearnCloud Admin Panel User Guide pg.3)
Project Library
- A dedicated and secure space to organize Collections that are to be uploaded onto Rumie Tablets.
- A Project Library can be configured into one or many Rumie Tablets.
- Each Project Library comes preconfigured with Standard System Apps.
Content Lockdown
- When the Content Lockdown is ON, students will not have access to freely browse the Internet, access Rumie Tablet settings, or anything else that the user has restricted permissions to in the Project Library.
- The Tablet Admin can freely access all parts of the Rumie Tablet even when Content Lockdown is ON.
- Home screen on your Rumie Tablet.
- Provides access to all the apps, including the Rumie app and provides access to Rumie Tablet Settings.
Rumie App
- Located on the Launcher home screen.
- Provides users access to Collections and Content from the Project Library.
- Have access to their Projects in RMC
- Can manage the configuration of the Project
- Have the ability to manage the learning content and users for their Project
Navigation Drawer
- Located in the LearnCloud app and holds all of the different pages that a user has options to, including My Collections, Browse, My Libraries, and Settings.
Each Project Library comes preconfigured with Utilities that include Standard System apps, and Project Utilities. These Collections can be deleted, but we would highly recommend to keep them as part of the Project Library.
Standard System apps
Google Play Services: updates apps in the background on the Rumie Tablet so the users have the most up-to-date version of the apps.
Project Utilities
The Project Utilities consist of apps that the user will find helpful to use as tools for their learning.
- WPS Office + PDF: office suite that integrates all office word processor functions such as Word, PDF, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Memo and Docs Scanner.
- SketchBook Express: powerful creative sketching tools.
- Wikipedia for Schools: Wikipedia on your device! Content is readily available even in an offline environment.
- Graphing Calculator: graphing calculator to help further learning in math and science.
Tablet Admin
- There is only one Tablet Admin to access the device
- The Tablet Admin is responsible for syncing the Project Library onto the Rumie Tablets, and syncing back Analytics usage data.
- The Tablet Admin can freely access all parts of the Rumie Tablet even when Content Lockdown is ON.
LAN Sync
- LAN sync allows users to update their tablets with new Content, Collections, Projects and User Profiles in an offline environment with access to a router.
- There should always be at least one tablet that has the most up-to-date Content on it.
- LAN sync can be done with a large number of tablets.
- LAN sync will automatically begin every hour.
- A router is a small electronic device that will join multiple tablet networks together through a wired or wireless connection.
Android Controls
The Android Operating System (OS) is very intuitive. These controls will always be located at the bottom of the Android device screen.
From left to right, these icons are:
- Volume control: Tap to lower the volume. (You can also adjust the volume with the large two-part button on the right side of the tablet beside the power button.)
- Arrow backwards: Go back. Tapping this arrow will bring you back to the previous page you were on.
- Circle: Home button, this takes you back to the Learn screen or the Login screen.
- Rectangle: Tapping this shows you which applications are open on your device. Here, you can switch between applications or close any that you are not using anymore.
- Volume control: Tap to turn up the volume.
SD Card Adapter
- The micro SD card needs to be inserted into an SD card adapter in order for it to be inserted into your computer.
- The SD card adapter fits into the SD media port on your computer.
The Rumie Initiative